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Cafe Interior

Let's keep every business in business

Supporting Small Businesses

PassPass is simple. Members pay just $5 a month for access to thousands of deals through our user-friendly app. We provide businesses free advertising on our platform. Additionally, businesses can earn extra revenue by referring members—PassPass shares 50% of the monthly membership fees with you for every referred member, continuously, for as long as they remain a member. It's simple: they save, you earn.

Reach new customers for free

Advertising is expensive. With PassPass you are able to reach local members looking for a good deal. List your business for free and drive new customers with $0 fees.

Control your offers

PassPass will help businesses reach new customers and build loyalty by geo-marketing to the PassPass member community with $0 fees or commissions to you. You can control your deals and discounts in the PassPass Partner portal, launching soon.

Partner Portal

PassPass = Profit

If you are a service business, you make money when you serve customers. These sales have high labor and cost of goods. But what if you could earn an additional $500, $5,000 or even $25,000 a month in pure profit? How would that change your business? Find out how much you could earn with our free calculator.

* Not all businesses qualify. Revenue share based on active members referred by each business through direct signup. Individual results will vary and are not guaranteed.

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